The White Dwarf Magazine

6–Chōme-30-3 Higashi-Ogu

The title of the exhibition is the address of the Artist-in-Residency of the Austrian Ministry of Culture in Tokyo, Japan. Albert Allgaier invited artists to take part in his residency by contributing site-specific interventions. Thereby the residency becomes a share house of ideas.

Featuring works by

Albert Allgaier

Marc Buchy

Louis Clais

Sebastian Doplbaur

Peter Fritzenwaller

Steve Giasson

Thomas Hitchcock

Katharina Höglinger

Lisa Kainz

Taka Kono

Mikko Kuorinki

Andrea Lüth

Romain Mader

Kai Maier-Rothe

Sophia Mairer

Fatmir Mustafa-Karllo

José Oliveira

Niclas Schöler

Driton Selmani

Lena Sieder-Semlitsch

Olia Sosnovskaya

Benjamin Tomasi

Noboru Watanabe

White Dwarf Magazine

ZIP Group

Co-Curated by Lena Sieder-Semlitsch

Opening: 24th November 2019, 2–4 p.m.

25–29th November 2019 by appointment:

6–Chōme-30-3 Higashiogu

Machiya, Arakawa-Ku
